Sunday, April 27, 2008

Vacation Week

This week coming up is Vacation week in New Hampshire. I haven't got any grand plans for vacation but I do have a few things I'd like to accomplish: 1. Have son #2 over for supper.....which is already planned for tomorrow night so I can probably check that off my list. 2. Clean out my closet which includes cleaning out books and old clothes. 3. Switching all my winter clothes for summer clothes in my armoire. 4. Visiting with my mom, my sister, my daughter and my daughter-in-law. 5. Writing and sending out at least 6 query letters to agents for my book. 6. Working on/finishing the DVDs for my dad. 7. Scrubbing my bathroom. 8. Washing the kitchen floor. 9. Getting lots done on my cross-stitch. Just writing this stuff down gives me more of an incentive to actually get it done. I'll check the list on Friday and let you know how well I did!

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