Unbelievable that tomorrow is "May Day". May 1st. When I was a child, growing up in a Catholic family and going to a parochial school, May Day was the day we payed special attention to the Blessed Virgin Mary. We had a May Procession with one lucky girl chosen to be the "May Queen" and allowed to dress as the Virgin Mary and lead the procession into the church. I was never the May Queen, but I do believe that one year I was in her court. I don't really remember. But I think I was some kind of princess
What else is exciting about May Day?
* To me it truly marks the end of winter. Until April is over, I always have the niggling fear that we'll get some kind of weird New England snow storm. But who gets snow in May? (please God, don't smite me for my thoughts and throw 12" of white, fluffy stuff on us!) I am going to put away my snow boots and my winter parka. I am THAT confident.
* The Red Sox season is well underway. They are doing very well (again God, no smiting with a 12 game losing streak now). It's taking a while to get used to the new players but most of my favorites are still around. It's nice to know the season is long and luxurious and will probably go on until the World Series in October.
* The sun is out later in the evening. I can get home at 6, watch my favorite People's Court, take a walk with my Hubby and still go over to the library in the daylight. Phenomenal! The only downside to this is that I feel guilty getting into my jammies before it's dark if we decide not to go out.
* The forsythia and daffodils are out in full force. I adore the bright yellow colors of these two flowers. They announce unquestionably that "Spring is Here"!
* The weather has been beautiful the last few days. Hot and Sunny. Cool nights. It's great to see people walking around in their shorts and flip-flops, arms and faces slightly (and some not so slightly) pink from the sun.
* New Hampshire kids are on school vacation this week. I'm glad that they've got such nice weather for their vacation, but I'm also envious. I wish adults could have the same vacations that school kids do.
Happy May Day! I have been married 29 years tomorrow so it's a good May Day for me!
Grrr. they tell me in my new town that I should plan for at least one snow storm in may and not to plant tomatoes til JUNE! WHAT??
(Go Yankees!) sorry had to put that in there.
And forsythia is my absolute fave plant and I've never had one in my own yard!!! :(
I love the extended daylight that May brings as well!! Also, planting flowers and 'pretty-ing' up the yard after it looked so dull all winter!!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and following!! =)
I'm SO ready for summer. I used to love spring when we lived in Vegas. After moving to the great white north (utah- not Canada) I realize it's not spring I love- it's summer!
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