Friday, January 16, 2009


* It is 0 degrees outside. Brrrr...... I work in a "mobile office" (aka trailer) and even though we had the heat at 74 degrees my feet and legs were freezing all morning. I went and got the little electric heater out of the other office and had it directly on my feet. It helped.
*It's kind of hard to complain about how cold it is when parts of the rest of the country are far below freezing!
* I had a 1/2 day today so I came home and chemically assisted my hair back to it's natural color (from like....20 years natural color now being a disgusting shade of gray). Now I will most likely, watch TV....perhaps actually do some cleaning or something.
*Now that I've finished my cross-stitch I want to get started on a new one. (I know....I'm a masochist...what can I say?) I want to make a birth announcement for our new grandson Noah....... and it has to be Noah's Ark of course. I've been browsing online and have found some very cute ones but they're kits. I hate kits. I just want the pattern. I'll keep looking.
*Hardly anything planned for the weekend. We're going to step-son Kenny's house on Sunday so Hubby can help him with his car. That's about all our plans.
*I'm glad American Idol is back on. Without Survivor, Amazing Race or Beauty and the Geek it was going to be a looooooong month. We did miss the first night however, because I threw away the new TV guide and was looking at last week's.
*Emily figured out how to jump off the arm of the couch as she yells, "Jump!" I think son and DIL should just get their names posted outside an ER room door now to save them some time later. She's going to be an "adventurous" type.
*I'm strangely excited about the Inauguration on Tuesday. I'm not into politics at all but I feel like this is going to be an extremely exciting event. I'm going to have to tape it though.....why can't they have it at night so everyone can watch it??

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I hate my kids will be in school and miss the inauguration. I hope to watch though.