Thursday, August 14, 2008

Salem Witch Museum

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I got to go on a field trip with a group of kids from camp. We took 13 kids to the Salem Witch Museum. For those of you who don't know, Salem, MA is famous for being the spot of the of Witch Trials where several young girls claimed to be possessed by witches and when they named names......those women were thrown in jail then hung for their transgressions. The museum was okay....not scary as we thought it might be. Then we went to a park beside the water and had lunch, played frisbee and went down to the beach onto the rocks and found some crabs, etc. The kids liked that part of the day the best. It was the first gorgeous, sunny day we've had in about a hundred years, so it felt just glorious to be outside. After work I went out with my girlfriends. There were only four of us this time but we had a great visit. We went to Salvatore's in Lawrence. The man who owns this restaurant is the same one who has Sal's pizza. He took an old mill building and made it into a beautiful restaurant. It's right on the river so we sat outside on the deck. It was a perfect night....just the right temperature and no rain!! It was so relaxing to sit back and chat and eat some delicious food. Only two more days of camp! Unbelievable. Today we'll be launching the model rockets I made with the older group of kids. We launch them off the dock into the lake and some of the staff use kayaks to go pick them up. Some of the launches turn out to be pretty funny. Last year one of the rockets caught on fire as it went up! We'll see what happens this year.

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