Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Better Late Than Never

It's pretty bad when it's the last week in August and your daughter comments on your pasty white chicken legs. That's what happens when you quit your job at a summer camp and instead work in the air-condition-controlled 70 degree, flourescent-lit office that has become my life for 40 hours a week. Add to that a June and July of unceasing rain and several more weekends in August with remnants of hurricanes, and the chances are slim that I'll have the beautiful tanned skin I always dream of. However, Hubby and I did go out this weekend and do some canoeing......or "canoodling" as we like to call lit. We spent three hours Sunday paddling around on a lake right here in our hometown. And because the weather was mid-70's, with a cool breeze, we didn't need no stinkin' sunscreen. Even though the sky was a bright, bright blue. My skin is now a flourescent tomato red . At least it's not pasty white any more.


Debbie said...

You sounds just like me! I get burned every spring and fall!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

I love the word "canoodling"! Perfect! I have had some pretty red days myself - painful! Hope your legs get to feeling better soon :-)