Friday, September 5, 2008


I got to babysit Emily yesterday while DIL did some school stuff. She can now climb onto the couch without the assistance of another piece of furniture....or a toy.....or the dog. She also blows kisses! Yesterday I got a regular kiss, a blown kiss and a wave bye-bye when I left! She either loves me or wanted me to move my ass out the door!
Here's a picture or two:

She loves her books!

And she loves her Cheerios!

Here's how much she loves her dog, Tina.

Even Tina gets her famous kisses!


Anonymous said...

She's adorable! I love the video of her laughing at the dog. Baby laughs are sweet.

Joan J said...

She's still a cutie-patootie! I can't believe how much she looks like her Dad. Love the little movie!