Friday, December 19, 2008


The update on my sister and my parents is that they still do not have power. It's been a week and a day since the ice storm. I can't believe they haven't been restored yet. They live in a mobile home park with dozens of other'd think they'd get such a large group of people turned back on quickly. And my poor old Auntie Izzy went up to the house her son Michael owned before he passed away and the pipes froze. She had to call a plumber who will go up tomorrow and see what he can do. It's going to cost her a fortune.
Now to add insult to injury we are having a snowstorm which is predicted to dump 10-12" of snow on the area.
This is how it looks so far and we still have a good 6-8 hours before it's supposed to wind down. And another Nor'easter is scheduled for Sunday night. Parents are all going to have to home school pretty soon - the kids are missing so much. My sister is a teacher's aide and she was out all week. Plus last Friday. Plus possibly Monday if we get the storm they're predicting. Then they were scheduled to go to school Tuesday and be off for winter break!
Luckily for me I had a 1/2 day today so I zoomed out of work and did a few errands then a big grocery shopping. I was really scared to go to the grocery store because for some reason, people think they'll be snowed in for weeks and weeks and have to run out and shop for bread and milk and things to sustain themselves until they're plowed out. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When I got in line there were three people ahead of me, but when I left the line was getting longer. When I left the supermarket it was just starting to snow. I got inside just in the nick of time.
The good news is I cleaned my whole house ( condo is 660 square feet....but it was REALLY dirty!) and put a new zipper in Hubby's coat. So now my tree is up
My gifts are wrapped:

(How can that be 7 hours of wrapping???)

and my house is clean and ready for my parents to come to dinner tomorrow night. The bad news is...I have to work in the morning. I hope I can get my car out.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

The presents look lovely as does the tree. I hope there aren't any further problems with the snow for your family.