I'm not substituting anymore, but cell phones are still a pain in the #@*. When you're driving behind someone and they're going slow as molasses, and weaving all over the road.....chances are they're talking on a cell phone. Go ahead. Check it out next time you finally pass someone you've been following for the past 700 miles. They'll be chatting on their cell phone totally oblivious to the road or the person behind them going into a rage because they need to GET somewhere (dammit).

Today at work, I had a woman who was trying to do some fairly complicated business with me, yet kept answering her cell phone and chatting while I was trying to do her transaction. We are supposed to be extremely friendly and polite to all clients so I didn't go with my first inclination, which was to say, "you go ahead and finish your conversation and I'll just wait on the person waiting behind you. You can go to the END of the line when you're done." (Although I thought that was fairly polite!!) Instead I just asked her for info (address, phone number) while she was talking and she finally said to the person on the phone that she'd have to call them back. Thank you!!
I'm not totally anti-cell phone. I own one myself. But I would never talk on it at the counter of a store, in a restaurant, or while I'm driving. I have a little common sense. Apparently most people don't.
I was pleased to see a school district in our area is considering banning all cell phones and texting during school hours! It seems like a "DUH" proposition to me. I thought it interesting that they include TEACHERS in their proposal -- are teachers texting during school hours too? Oh my...
Our school had to actually put up a sign that says "school drop off and pick up are no phone zones" because parents were so wreckless. People have no sense.
Several years ago at my aunt's funeral the minister's cell phone went off within the first five minutes of the service - and I watched and he almost ANSWERED IT!! Then thought better of it, apologized and turned it off. As soon as the last Amen was said...he was on the phone. We were all in shock!
OH, you said it sister! I hate cell phones with an unmitigated passion. I too have one, but it's for me to call out, not for others to call me (well, except for my hubby). Most of the time it's turned off. No one but my husband and my mom even have the number. I never talk on it when driving (heck, I hardly talk on it - I only called home today from the market to ask what brand of coffee to buy!) and it should be absolutely against the law. Having a hands-free headset does not guarantee you are paying attention to your driving. I could rant all day about this!
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