I'm seriously not a shopper, and the thought of going out on Black Friday gives me the willies. My first idea was to stay sequestered in the house for the day.
Then Hubby found what he wanted for Christmas. They're called "Tabla Drums" and someone had them on Craigslist for a good price. After I told him we could get them, I realized they are in Coventry, RI. A two hour drive from our house.
So I virtuously offered up my Friday so we could go get them. Of course, I made it clear to Hubby that he needed to make it worth my while. So he perused the internet and found that Providence has a really nice zoo. Hubby knows I like zoos. So he offered that, with the addition of dinner at Cracker Barrel in Coventry, and the deal was made.
Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other ideas. It rained, it poured, the wind was blowing. Not exactly a nice zoo day. But just the right kind of day to go to the movies. So we went to see A Christmas Carol in 3D.

Excellent movie, and really cool to watch it in 3D. It was very traditional, and very, very scary. Certainly not a film for children.
After we got home from the movie, we headed out in the rain to Coventry, RI to retrieve Hubby's Tabla Drums. We met up with the seller, forked over the cash, and now Hubby is the proud owner of his very own set of Tablas.
And Cracker Barrel was delicious.
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