Hubby and I were "special guests" at an open mic last night. We jokingly call it "special ed guests". Special guests means you get about a 1/2 hour worth of songs. We were the Featured Guests once before a couple of months ago. I didnt' feel we'd done very well at that open mic.
But for some reason, last night I feel like we rocked the place. The Special Guests perform first so there weren't a tremendous amount of people there, but the ones who were there were familiar to us from doing the open mic circuit.
Our songs are mostly originals and the people who were there had heard some of them before and were familiar enough with them to sing along on the chorus. cool! There's something very satisfying about hearing everyone sing along and clap their hands because you know they're enjoying themselves.

After we sang I had a nice glass of wine and some stuffed mushrooms. mmmmmmmm.
Tonight.......another open mic!
I was kidding about the jammies, unless of course they come in adult sizes. Ha ha you know I am a sucker for a penguin. They are too cute for words! Hope you're having a nice weekend
I love your blog and came over from Pudgy to check it out! I have added you to my blog list and hope you will come visit! Bingo at http://bookinwithbingo.blogspot.com
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