Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After

Thanksgiving Day was exactly what this day should be....a blessing. We spent it with the people nearest and dearest to our hearts. There were 24 people at my Dad's Thanksgiving table. Naturally, we forgot to take a lot of pictures, but there were a few. Laura and Emily had a wonderful time together. They colored, they played with Emily's little people toys and Emily astounded us with her gymnastic abilities. (see video below) Dad set the room into one looooooooooong table. It worked out great....we were all able to get in and out of our seats without anyone having to crawl under the table. (only a very few of us are still able to do that!)
John was the head turkey honcho. Dad cooked the turkey, but John carved it. The turkey (the one on the counter, not my brother) was about 25 pounds. And of course Dad had to make an additional turkey breast "just in case".
The real highlight of the day was the slide show. My Dad found a couple of old slide carousels and it turned out to be pictures of us when we were kids, my parents, my aunts and uncles and grandparents. We laughed ourselves silly over the clothes, the furniture, the wallpaper and appliances of the 50's and 60's. It was so much fun to see those old photos again.
Here's the video of Miss Emily doing her tumbles....and a guest performance by Laura doing a backbend.

1 comment:

Joan J said...

It looks like a wonderful day. How lucky you are to have so many family members living in visiting distance. I admit - I'm jealous! Love how your Dad made the lllloooonnnnggggggg table!