* I spent an hour and a half outside yesterday playing with my grand-daughter. It was such a
pleasure to bring her out. We played in her sandbox and swang (swung?) on her swing and she collected rocks from the edge of the driveway. She thought it was hilarious when I told her not to eat the rocks because they're "Bleccccccchhhhh". So funny in fact that she kept putting the rock up near - not in - her mouth to hear me make the sound.

* I got a $50 gift certificate from work for selling the most Universal Tickets for the month of
February. I decided I should spend it on myself and buy some spring clothes. I'm a cheapo so I stopped at Wally-world. I could not believe the butt-ugly clothes they had there! Every blouse had gathering across the top which made it look like a maternity top! I bought one long sleeve light-weight sweater thing because it was on clearance for $3. I guess I'm going to have to go to someplace like Dress Barn or Fashion Bug to get something decent.

* Survivor is not on tonight. I don't know why. Probably that stupid March Madness basketball. Who the heck cares about that??? And next week it's on Wednesday night. I hope I remember! I'll be so mad if I go to turn it on Thursday night and find out it was on the night before.
* American Idol is going along just as I thought it would. Alexis was kicked off last night and she deserved it. My guy Danny is still there. So is Hubby's pick Allison. We're going to have to make a bet on who is going to be the winner.
* Whatever happened to my Beauty and the Geek??
* Speaking of Survivor - I knew we were going out last Thursday night so I taped ....yes taped!....Survivor and ER. Unfortunately I didn't realize that we had never re-set our VCR to Daylight Savings Time! So I got the hour after Survivor and the hour after ER! I was kind of upset until I went online to see if maybe there'd at least be a synopsis of the show and found out I could watch the entire episode right on the computer! I was so happy! I love technology.
Ya know, I've been to Ireland twice and NEVER heard the unicorn song, but if you go to any Irish gathering on this continent it seems like you're guaranteed to hear it — what's up with that? No matter, it's still a fun song to sing! Sounds like a fun open mic night!
The clothes in Wal-Mart are awful! Come to Fl and shop at Bealls- when they have a sale it's better than any price you can get at Wal-Mart and the quality is way better. Although, you know what is disappointing lately is LL Bean. I swear everything they sell now comes from China. What about Kohl's ?
I say the same thing about March Madness, makes me nuts they cancel real shows for that junk.
I agree you can't find anything at Wal mart to wear. Good luck shopping. I just found your blog, I will definitely be back.
I don't know that it's Irish but it is sung by the Irish Rovers and in America, that's good enough for us.
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