About 5 years ago, daughter Jamie and son Nick were both living with me in my condo. Nick had graduated college and Jamie was still in college. I was dating Hubby, who lived in Fitchburg, MA. I was at his house for the weekend when I got a call from the kids asking if they could get a cat. Please, please, please. I said no, we already had enough people living in our tiny condo. But Mom, we are at the animal shelter and we found this beautiful cat and he's adorable and he loves us already and we love him so please, please, please!!
I caved. And they were right. He's a beautiful cat and very cute and lovable. He stayed with me and Jamie when Nick moved out then when Jamie moved out they decided Oreo should go and stay with Nick.
He's been living at with Nick all this time. But Nick recently invited his girlfriend Kelly to move in, and Kelly is allergic to cats. It was a tough decision for Nick.....cat or girlfriend.....but girlfriend won out so he asked Jamie if she could take Oreo.
Jamie had no problem with that. She lives alone and Oreo would be good company for her. Less than a month later her landlord found out about the cat and sent her a letter saying she'd be evicted unless she got rid of the cat. So she asked Hubby and I if we could take him.
Of course we said yes. We can't having this sweet, lovable cat going to the animal shelter. So yesterday Jamie came over with Oreo and all his assorted paraphernalia. His two beds, his scratching post, his little house, his box of toys, his treats, his food, his two litter boxes and bucket of litter. It's like having a new baby in the house.
He seems to have settled right in. He sniffed around everywhere. He seems to like Hubby's studio because after climbing over the piles of stuff he can sit on the windowsill and watch the squirrels in the yard. I assume that when I clear all the Christmas decorationss off the windowsill in the living room he'll like sitting there as well. 

He spent half the evening sitting with me in my recliner last night and half the evening lying with Hubby on the couch.

It's kind of nice having a cat again. We'll see what happens when one of the kids moves and wants him back!
Our last cat was named Oreo too! He was mostly black though with a white belly, paws and a white mustache. His sister was named Cookie so with him being black and white - well, you know how that goes. Anyway, enjoy your new family member. Meow, purrr
I love that cat! Good move taking him back in.
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