Sunday, December 21, 2008

Good News/Bad News

The good news is: I was able to get my car out and get to work with relative ease on Saturday morning. Bad news: I had to go to work on Saturday morning. Good news: We were busier than I thought we'd be so it wasn't boring. Bad news: We had customers come in late and stay and stay so I didn't get out until 1:25 instead of 1. Good news: My parents came early so they could shower and fill up some buckets of water at our house to use in flushing their toilet. Bad news: Because I was late getting out of work my parents sat in front of our house for 15 minutes. Good news: We had a very nice, long visit. More good news: The stuffed pork roast recommended to me by Sylvie was delicious. Even more good news: When my parents got home they called to tell me their power was back on!!!! Bad news: The well that is shared by everyone in the mobile home park hasn't been turned back on yet and they're hoping when they do turn it on there won't be any frozen pipes. Good news: Today we are going to Doug's house for our Christmas party with my kids. Bad news: It's snowing again and they are predicting another 6-12". Good news: I am damn stubborn and will get to Doug's house come hell or high water....or high snow.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I hope you guys made it safely. I am so behind on my post reading, it is probably on your blog already! Have a great Christmas.