When we got up it looked like a hurricane or a tornado had come through.

Surprisingly the roads were not icy so Hubby got ready and left for work. He barely had to scrape his car.
Ten minutes later my phone rang. Hubby was calling to say he'd driven by my workplace and there was no power. I called my boss, who said there was no power in four of the six district offices. That's when I finally started to realize how wide-spread this ice storm was.
My work was cancelled, along with most other people's. Hubby got to work to find it dark and locked and turned around to come home. He said there were huge branches down everywhere, including on the on-ramps to the highways. I called some relatives to see if they were okay. No one - except for those living in the "big cities" - had power.
We slept under extra covers on Friday night and were pretty comfortable. I was scheduled to go on a bus trip into NYC on Saturday (which I will post a blog about sometime in the future). I set my cell phone alarm for 4:45 and was picked up by my friend at 5:15. Hubby stayed behind and spent the day out and about. I called at 7pm when we left NYC and Hubby told me we still had no power.
Sleeping Saturday night was much colder. We added more covers - thank God Hubby is a heat machine! Sunday at 6am Hubby got up and saw the very welcome sight of a bucket truck fixing the transformer in front of our house. By 7:30 we had power. Never has heat, a hot cup of tea, or a hot shower felt so good!
My parents, sister and son Doug are still without power. Most other relatives have had it come back on. Today's Sunday paper's headline (I haven't had time to actually read the paper yet) says, "Black Christmas" - because there's a possibility that some places in New Hampshire will not get power back for two weeks! I dont' know how they're going to manage. My parents have a generator which will give them lights and heat but no water. My sister can go over to my parents' house. Doug and his family are staying with his in-laws. But they're all worried about their houses and their pipes freezing.
I can't fault the power companies for taking so long to get power restored in some places. My brother Steve is a lineman for the electric company in MA, and I know from past experience that he's probably been working since Thursday night on 18-hour-on, 6-hour-off shifts. Electric companies from surrounding states will come in to help - as my brother has done in the past when New York or even Canada has been hit by a storm such as this. They'll just do the best they can as fast as they can.
It's really too bad that something so pretty can be so devastating:
My hometown area, Bradford and Sunapee, evidently got hit hard and are probably the ones who will be without power for weeks. In-laws in Mass. got only rain, thank goodness. Hope you'all stay warm and thaw out!
I'm glad you're okay. I saw this storm on CNN, and it looked awful. When I realized you hadn't posted anything in a few days, I figured you were probably without electricity.
I've heard about those crazy ice storms! The last photo is gorgeous though! Thanks for visiting my site!
That is scary. I am glad everyone is OK. Cold, but OK.
Hey penguin buddy - my countdown clock is for the end of the Perfect on Paper contest. Unfortunately, the critical overlay interferes with reading what I put there. Arrrgh- but still I love my penguins!
Hope you're all warm and toasty now. Our friends in Maine e mailed us from Panera's about the fiasco getting a generator. Did you ever go to that avatar site I told you about?
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