Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fun with Audrey

We went to visit our son Nick and his wife Kelly, and of course our two lovely granddaughters, Audrey and Elise.

We've been having a lot of fun playing with Audrey, who is 2 1/2 years old.

Pepere played stuffed animals and Little People with her.

I got to hold and snuggle with her little sister Elise (about 10 weeks old)

Later on we took Audrey outside - fun with sidewalk chalk.

Playing with her ball.  I was impressed she knew all the animals on that ball, including the odd ones.

Her idea of throwing and catching was pretty much to hand it back and forth!

She did try to throw it high up in the air!

Kicking the balls around with Pepere.

And more sidewalk chalk.

And some exercise for both!

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