Sunday, September 22, 2013

Peggy's Wedding

Hubby's sister Peggy was married this weekend.  It was her first wedding, so she pulled out all the stops.  Hubby walked her down the aisle, and I was one of the bridesmaids.  Our camera isn't the best (I am buying a new one tonight!!!) but here are the photos:

Hubby looking dapper before the wedding:

Hubby and I 

The Groom before the ceremony

The Bride before the ceremony

Hubby walking Peggy down the aisle

Giving her away!

Granddaughter Elsie before cupcake!

Hubby and his brother Doug

The four siblings:
Doug, Tag, Peggy and Paul

Doug and Debbie

Jeannie and Paul

Hubby and Peggy

Hubby's son Kenny and his fiance Matthew

The very best picture I've ever gotten of Elsie and Noah!

Hubby dancing with Elsie

Hubby dancing the Father/Brother/Daughter/Sister dance with Peggy
(after they'd already changed out of their fancy duds)
Hubby wrote an absolutely stunning song for his sister for this special dance.   Peggy (and everyone else in the place) bawled!

Elsie after the cupcake!

Noah enjoying his cupcake!

The band with the really cool car owned by one of the band members.


Britt said...

Elsie and Noah are so big!! Ahhhh!!

elizasmom said...

I tell you what, that is a NICE bride, because she put you in a color that looks spectacular! Looks like a beautiful day all around!