Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes

Fall is just around the corner, and time to harvest what we sowed.    Despite having the biggest pumpkin plants I've ever pumpkins! 
Next year:
 1) We don't allow the vines to get eleventy-million feet long.
 2)  We hand-pollinate (there didn't seem to be very many bees)
3) we cut down a tree to shed more sunlight on our garden.

We planted zucchini and cucumbers.   No zucchini and only 2 cucumbers.

Next year:
#2 and #3 from above.

We planted green beans.  We got about 5 meals or so out of them. 

Next year;
1)  We take steps to keep the deer out of the garden so they don't eat the plants.
2)  We plant beans that will climb up a pole, so they don't take up so much room and they don't drag all over the ground.

We planted tomatoes.  We have tons of them!!

Next year:
1) We use tomato cages
2)  We don't allow the plants to grow six feet tall

Despite the problems, Hubby and I enjoyed our garden immensely.  It was rather exciting to go out each day and see the progress, harvest the vegetables, and of course, eat them!

Next year we do want to try to cut down a tree that blocks much of the sunlight.....even though I am opposed to cutting down trees.  This one is in the back of the yard, and doesn't contribute to the shade we enjoy when we sit in the yard.

We'd also like to enlarge the garden, and plant some other things, such as eggplant, peppers, onions and broccoli.

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