Daughter Jamie's Football game was in Portland, ME this week. That's about an hour and a half from the house. The plan was for us to leave right after I got out of work. (have I mentioned lately that I HATE working on Saturdays??) We'd go up to Portland, see the sights, enjoy being on the water and visit all the little shops and art galleries. Then we'd go to dinner and then see the game.
After a few delays ...... I got out of work 20 minutes late (never fails), we had to get money out of the bank, and we had to go back for the directions.......we were finally on our way.
When we left home, the sky was bright blue and the sun was brilliant. As we were getting onto the highway, it became overcast.....then starting misting. (never fails).
When we got to Portland and went out on the wharf to see the ocean, it looked like this:

Yep, that's fog. It was very foggy....I'm not even sure if it was misting out or if the fog was so thick it was just wet. We still managed to have a great time going around and looking in the shops. We saw some great pottery ....... I'd so love to be able to make pottery all the time.
We found the restaurant we liked from the last time we went to Portland....the Old Port. We had some Scallops wrapped in Bacon (which I think were also covered in Maple Syrup....can you get any more New England than that???) some Clam Chowdah, and Hubby had Salmon and I had Fried Scallops. MMMMMMMM!!!
I had a great time watching three 20-year-olds learning how to eat lobster for the first time. I find it so hard to believe there are people in this world who have never had a lobster!! Who have never even SEEN a lobster!
After our scrumptious meal, we went over to the field for Jamie's game. By the time we got there, it was raining and the field looked like this:
It was very foggy all night but thankfully the rain only lasted for a little while and then stopped. Usually I'm the hearty New Englander who brings more warm clothes than you could possibly need but I was fooled this time by the bright sunshine in the morning and I was decidedly under-dressed. Good thing I brought along some nice wool socks to wear with my Berkenstock sandals. (seriously)
The game was fantastic! Jamie had one of the most exciting games of her career. She was hitting people with punishing tackles on defense and had some beautiful pass receptions on offense.
And she had THE play of the game. She's the receiver for the kick-off from the other team. When they kicked the ball it bounced in front of her then over her head. It's a live ball so she has to either grab it or fall on it before the other team gets it. Even though most of the team (and Hubby) were yelling for her to fall on it, she picked it up and started running with it.
88 Yards for a Touchdown!
One of the most exciting plays in the sport of football.
And then she kicked her own extra point.
The games are so much more fun when your team is winning.....which they did.....13-8.