Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there. This day gives me the opportunity to tell you about my dad.
It sounds so corny but I really do have the best Dad in the world. From the time we were little I can remember him playing with us. Either we'd be climbing all over him on the kitchen floor, or he'd be outside playing kickball with us and all the neighborhood kids. He gave me a sense of stability.
That's probably the most important thing I can say about my Dad. He loved us. He loved our Mom. My parents have been married for just over 50 years.

He loves her absolutely and undconditionally. That's the kind of relationship that anchors children and gives them a sense of security like no other. I'm convinced that's why all my father's children turned out to be good people and good parents. They learned from the best.
Mom and Dad still have a great relationship. They spend lots of time together. They've taken up camping and I'm glad....it gives my Dad a chance to relax....he always worked so hard. He did everything he needed to do to support his family, including having two jobs for a long time.
My Dad is also a fun-loving guy. Besides his regular job, when we became teen-agers he started Square Dance calling. He and my Mom enjoyed dancing and calling for over 30 years and made many great friends. He loves being with people and enjoys friends and family.
This is one of my favorite photos ever. It was at our last family reunion.....and just shows my Dad having such a great time.
Now my Dad has more new family members to love. He's accepted a new son-in-law, daughter-in-law and step children. He shows them the same affection he's given to everyone else he knows. His new baby great-grand daughter is, I think, a favorite though!
I'm so lucky to have a Dad like mine. He's been the stable, loving influence of my life. As much as I learned how to be a good mother from my Mom, I learned to be a solid, unwavering parent to my children from my Dad.
Happy Father's Day, Dad! I love you!!!
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