A running dialogue of my life...family, friends, work....and the craziness I sometimes see and hear.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Horrible Football Game
Kudos to Hubby
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Beach on Memorial Day
After we walked up and down the beach....with feet in the water.....we went to the center for some fried dough.The beach center at Salisbury in MA is very tacky. Most of the places have been there forever. There are places for fried dough, pizza, ice cream, etc. And arcades and souvinir shops. Lots of place have closed or have been torn down and brand-new condos have taken their place. There has been talk of demolishing the whole area and building brand new. As much as the place is so tacky, I love it. I'd hate to see it all changed. I think someone should come in and rebuild, but do it so that it looks just the same.
The traffic leaving the beach was terrible. Even though the sign says "entering Salisbury" we were leaving. We just thought we'd go up to Hampton Beach and skirt around the traffic, but of course it didn't work that way.The crowds and the people were worth it to be at the beach. Hubby and I both love the ocean. It's one of the best things about living in New England....we get the ocean, the mountains, lakes....everything we need.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Weatherman was Right!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Time for a Rant
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Blah blah blah
Sunday, May 18, 2008
My Aching Back!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Scary Moments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Pepere Babysits
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Just Stuff
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Two Things I Learned
Sunday night he called and said the DVDs wouldn't play on his player. I couldn't figure out the problem since they played on my player. We told him we'd come up Monday night to look at it with no idea whatsoever what the problem could be. For no reason I can think of except for desperation, I called Best Buy, thinking maybe there was some kind of setting on my Dad's DVD player that could be changed to allow the DVD to play. When I called, I got the "Geek Squad"....you know those guys who drive around in the little Volkswagon Bugs? He asked me what kind of "media" I had used....huh? Turns out he meant what kind of DVD, and I had to go look but I told him I used a DVD -R. He said most DVD players will play only on kind of DVD...either -R or +R. I had no idea there were two different kinds. I ran over to Staples, picked up a box of +R DVDs and quickly burned one of the movies. We went up to my parents' house and voila! It worked!
So now the only problem is I have to re-burn all those DVDs! Hubby can do them at work in about 5 minutes per copy, so...not a big deal!
#2 - Daughter Jamie sent me a picture message on my phone showing a picture of her making a touchdown from her game on Saturday that was published in the Manchester Union Leader. Hubby was kind enough to go out and try to buy a copy...but after going to every convenience store and supermarket in town, he was not able to find a copy. So Monday we decided to try the library, figuring we could photocopy the picture. We went to the rack labeled "Manchester Union Leader" and they had Monday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday, etc. No Sunday! I thought maybe they kept them behind the desk for some reason so I went up and asked the librarian. Turns out the Manchester Union Leader is called the "New Hamphsire News" on Sundays! WHY????? Hubby saw that newspaper at each store he went to but had no idea it was the same paper. The Librarian did have it, we got the photocopy and we're happy.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Busy Weekend
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mom Song
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Reality TV
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
It's so cool to see the little pumpkin do new things! Hard to imagine that nine months ago she couldn't even see...never mind crawl, stand up, clap her hands, wave bye-bye, and dance!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hot Topic
Manchester Freedom win 70-8!

It's a tremendous amount of work for her but also a lot of fun. They play full tackle with all the same rules as the men's professional football league. My hubby Tag and I have followed her around to most of her away games and would never miss a home game.
This week's game was in Portland, ME, about and hour and a half from our house. We always use any kind of traveling as an excuse to visit a new area. We had planned on going up early afternoon and browsing around Portland for the afternoon before finding a nice dinner and then going to the game at 6:30. Of course the weather didn't cooperate and it was raining all morning.....all weekend as a matter of fact! So we left a little later than we had planned and got up to Portland about 4:30.
We only had a little time to browse before we found a nice little pubby-kind of place called the Old Port where we had some New England Clam "Chowdah" and some fish and chips.
It was just misting out when we got to the game. We realized immediately that the Maine team was going to be overpowered.....they only had 16 active players. I think Manchester got 3 or 4 touchdowns in the first quarter. During part of the game it started pouring out, but I am an old hand at watching sports ....about 25 years now starting with oldest son Doug's Little League games....and we had dressed appropriately with warm coats, sweatshirts, mittens, hats, scarves, raincoats, and umbrella. Hubby had even brought along some hot chocolate.
As we realized the score was getting out of hand, we just had more and more fun. The girls became laid back and were joking on the sidelines, and the coaches took the opportunity to allow girls to play different positions than they normally would. It was a fun game despite the rain, which tapered off and stopped around the third quarter.
I'm so glad my daughter still plays sports.....I'd miss the lights, the excitement, the cheers and the "bleacher butt."