The Entertainment and Activities staff were absolutely outstanding! They worked hard at keeping us amused and entertained all day long. Starting during the day by the pool, they had all kinds of games including volleyball, cornhole, golf chip shot, ping pong, bingo, question of the day, etc. They also did water aerobics every day which was a lot of fun. On the last day they had a contest for the Activities Team Staff which was pretty hilarious because the loser in each round got shoved into the pool fully clothed.
Almost any time throughout the day there were activities all over the ship. They offered drawing classes (which we participated in) as well as an Art Auction and informational classes on fine art.
I came very close to buying this piece of art. I loved it, but finally decided I just wouldn't have a place to put it.
There was almost always a Trivia Contest going on in the Club. Tag and I participated in some of those, and even made some friends we teamed up with to try and win. We met these friends during the Music Trivia Contest. Tag was anxious to participate in that one, figuring he had a good chance of winning. They announced at the beginning that the highest score ever made was 29/30. As the questions were asked, we were making comments about how easy the answers were. The ladies behind us heard, and we began a gentle trash-talk with them about who would win! At the end, Tag missed ONE question! (A question he says he will never forget!) The ladies behind us missed two questions, but knew the answer to the one Tag had missed. So if we had teamed up, we would have beat the record for a perfect score! We teamed up in other Trivia contests, but never came close to winning.
They also did a bunch of game shows in the Club.
They were mostly one side of the room versus the other.
This game was fashioned after the show "Minute to Win It". Good ideas for our next game night!
They also played a great game named "Yes or No". The staff member put guests under the spotlight and had 3 minutes to interview them, asking questions to try and get them to say either word "yes" or "no". Very funny and the staff member was pretty good at it!
The highlight of every evening was a show in the The Theater. These productions were phenomenal, and amazing in that some of the shows were done by the same group of singers and dancers and they literally never stopped moving for one second while on stage. The amount of lyrics and choreography they had to learn was just astounding!
The show the first night was "Colors of Life". It was a story of someone with no color in their life. A new color was added with each song until the stage was a rainbow of colors. Every dance production show included some amazing aerial acrobatics.
The second night we were delighted to see a show by Tommy Green Jr. He turned out to be our favorite act on the cruise....we saw him 3 times! His first show was on the main stage in the Theater. He sang, told hilarious stories (reminded me of Don White in that respect) and generally horsed around.
He told some great stories about his Grandpa, and at the end his Grandpa came on the big screen to sing us a song, give us a toast and wish us a happy cruise!
We saw Tommy again late night in the Eden Lounge. They did an acoustic spotlight every night and when we saw he would be playing we went to see him again. I got a chance to chat with him after the show and tell him how wonderful he was....he gave me a big hug!
And finally, we saw him again in the Grand Plaza on the last night. He was asked at the last minute to team up with the evening's performer, Danny......I think because he was so popular! BTW - Tommy was one of the staff members conscripted at the last minute to partipate in the pool contest on the last day. A really good sport!
One evening, after the main show in the Theater, they put on a show in The Club. Lots of 60's, 70's and 80's music! And including dancing and aerial acrobatics!
The next night in the Theater was a magic show featuring "Magical Bones".
For his grand finale, he was tied up, put into a box, they stuck sticks into the box in every direction, and when he came out he was not only in one piece, he had on different clothes!
This little group played in Eden one night......sorry to say I don't know what their names were!
The next night in the Theater was a song, dance, aerial acrobatic play called, "A Hot Summer's Night Dream".....a loose interpretation of the Shakespeare play.
Another favorite act at the Theater was the R and B group that was very good. We went to see them again at the Grand Plaza on a different night. We met one of the singers, whose name is Seven (not Five, not Six....Seven) in the elevator before the show. He wasn't dressed for the show, and we didn't know who he was. He has a tattoo on the front of his neck that says, "Be Happy". When I commented on it, he said it's his affirmation every morning when he looks in the mirror! We knew it was him when we saw him on the stage because of the half-blond, half-black hair!
Another fantastic show in the Club.
The final night's show was called Kaleidoscope. Beautiful show with dancing and amazing vocals.
In the very center of the ship was the Grand Plaza. They had music and dancing there every night. We saw a few musical acts there.

At a certain point every night, the bartenders would put on a display of juggling. On the night I finally was in a good spot to video it, they put on a wonderful display.....except for the end! Ugh! Unfortunately, Blogger isn't allowing me to post it because it's too I'll post it directly to facebook.
We really enjoyed our Tour Director, Lewis. He was British and hysterically funny. He introduced all the shows, and made himself available all over the ship when needed. He was the one running the poolside contest for staff, and they dragged him into the pool at the end.
He also decided to try his hand at the Bartender show!
So much music, dancing, singing and fun! It really was a great part of the cruise. Tag especially enjoyed every minute of it!
Tomorrow I'll tell you about our excursions.